单词 gum up 例句大全,用单词gum up造句:

gum up the works.
They stopped up leaks with chewing gum.
Regulators may gum up an efficient system.
It may well be worth trying to gum up the joint.
John balled up the gum and stuck it under his chair.
约翰把口香糖揉成一团, 粘在他椅子下面。
Don't wear inappropriate clothing, chew gum, or up late.
不要穿不得体的衣服, 不嚼口香糖, 不要迟到。
Chewing gum after eating paper to use up discarded trash.
Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.
Don't gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do.
Stick your head in gravy, wrap it up in bubble gum and send it to the navy!
把你的头沾满肉汁酱, 包裹上泡泡糖, 邮递到海军!
In Austrlia, the possum commonly hides up a gum tree when it is being chased.
在澳大利亚, 负鼠被追赶的时候一般都会躲在橡胶树上。
Every street is a stick of chewing gum chew it repeatedly, but dont eat it up at a mouthful.
If all this leaves you up a gum tree, you would be well advised to seek the help of a good lawyer.
如果这些事使你处境艰难, 你最好找一个好律师。
You pronounce them by blocking the airstream with the tongue and upper gum ridge, building up air pressure and suddenly releasing it.
用舌尖抵齿龈成阻, 让气流爆发而出。
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单词 gum up 释义

  • 单词释义:使(某物)发粘;使(某事)出麻烦,弄糟(某事)  [更多..]



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