单词 hand gun 例句大全,用单词hand gun造句:

My hand grasped the gun that was,miraculously,lying on the ground beside my finger tips.
My hand grasped the gun that was, miraculously, lying on the ground beside my finger tips.
One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijacker's hand.
Actually, software package seems one lever gun, on different hand, can have distinct effect.
其实, 软件包就象是一杆枪, 在不同人手上, 会起着不同的作用。
What puts the smoking gun in the hand of ratings agencies, according to many, is the business model.
The front cabin of the train transforms into the robot, with the smoke stack turn into his hand gun.
The machine gunner fired off two magazines without break. His hand felt for the bolt of the machine gun.
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单词 hand gun 释义

  • 单词释义:手喷枪,手动油枪  [更多..]



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