单词 handling time 例句大全,用单词handling time造句:

equipment handling charge by time
The biggest difference between them is in the handling of time.
他们之间的最大不同 是在于处理时间的方式。
Handling more than one sparkler or firework at a time is not safe.
Are the Gulf countries handling their windfall any better this time?
Assist the MD in handling the legal affairs of the company and liaise with lawyers from time to time.
协助执行董事处理法律事务, 随时与律师保持联系。
The number of females who reported that they washed their hands before handling food some of the time was 57.
Analysis and Handling for Equipment Loss and Non Same Time Gate Closed in 3rd Generator of Guanyinge Power Plant
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单词 handling time 释义

  • 单词释义:处理[搬运]时间,工人操作时间,辅助工作时间  [更多..]



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