单词 hand press 例句大全,用单词hand press造句:

Flatten the dough with a press of the hand.
She's an old hand at dealing with the press.
She usually has the press eating out of her hand.
Overcome with emotion, he press her hand and leave her.
Open your hand. Press it with this cotton wad for a while.
Pleas open your hand. Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.
Please open your hand, and press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.
We can produce the safe type hand sizing press in accordance with the customers.
Electrical water heater is settled in washing room squat toilets, hand press type flush.
Hand rack pinion press Design of an Automatic Dividing Punch Mould for Spokes on Wheel Cranes
On hand to hold the edge of bra. And another hand to press fat into bra from back and armpit.
一手托住内衣下缘固定, 另一手将背后, 下的脂肪拨入罩杯内。
The tool soldier hits the opening box press down crown red system, the hand automatically opens.
工具战士打开头盒按下顶部红色的制, 手部自动打开。
Shut eye to turn eyeball law Turn 6 times by suitable hour hand first, press anticlockwise roll 6 times again.
闭目转眼球法先按顺时针转动6次, 再按逆时针转动6次。
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单词 hand press 释义

  • 单词释义:[机] 手动泵,手压泵  [更多..]



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