单词 hang over 例句大全,用单词hang over造句:

If it is constant over time, a probable deadlock or hang could have occurred.
Put some water in a glass jar. Hang the avocado pit over the mouth of the jar.
再往一个玻璃广口瓶里倒些水, 将鳄梨核悬挂在瓶口。
They also hang garlands of evergreen boughs over the window and wreaths on the doors.
Others hang over the nauseous mass of half raw meat while it is cooking watching intently.
Entrants may not change their song after hang over the demo, except for the problem of demo.
Halloween around the corner as dark clouds hang over a graveyard littered with fallen leaves.
干枯的落叶布满墓地, 乌云低垂, 如同万圣节前夕。
hook the duck by the neck , spread diluted maltose over it. hang the duck in an airy place to dry.
然后用钩子勾住脖子, 再在鸭皮上涂上一层淡的麦芽糖。
Float through a railway station, hover over a closed factory, and hang suspended in the night sky.
从地铁站飘过, 在废弃的工厂上空盘旋, 在夜空中悬浮。
Most of the trouble of life without electricity would hang over the highly industrialized nations.
the only way that some of the crew survived was to hang over the side of the structure suspended by lines.
只有这样, 一些幸存的船员被悬挂在一侧的结构暂停线。
Forming eventually a united, pluralistic culture that has been lasting over 2000 years since the Qing and Hang Dynasties.
And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth, shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle.
罩棚的幔子所馀那垂下来的半幅幔子, 要垂在帐幕的后头。
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单词 hang over 释义

  • 单词释义:挂在…之上,悬浮在…之上;威胁,即将降临[发生];搭  [更多..]



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