单词 hold out 例句大全,用单词hold out造句:

Even after ten years of war, neither side was willing to hold out the olive branch.
You must not allow passengers to hold the steering wheel or to lean out of a window.
A single image can hold all the image elements needed to decorate or lay out a page.
N. If you hit the carotid artery, pull the needle out and hold pressure for5 minutes.
Breathe out and make your knee touch your chest. Hold this position for five seconds.
呼气, 同时使膝盖轻触脸颊, 保持五秒。
We needed something to hold the net up out there in the middle of the traffic circle.
我们需要一些东西支撑大网 让它能竖立在交通环道的中央
Hold out your hand please. I'm going to take a small sample of blood from your finger.
Azerbaijan has been the odd man out, the one republic not to hold democratic elections.
Chandler Sir, can I ask you to umm, could you hold out that ring and ask me to marry you.
The percentage of training cases to hold out from training and use for scoring the model.
I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens A. reach C. hold D. place B. hand.
我把药放到了架子的顶部, 孩子们够不到的地方。
Some growers have ploughed out or scooped out a trip which serves to hold additional water.
Certainly, some shareholders agree with Yang that Yahoo should hold out for a better offer.
当然, 部分股东同意杨致远的观点, 认为雅虎应该待价而沽。
Breathe out slowly and raise your upper body, hold five seconds, then relax. Repeat five times.
缓缓呼气, 上身直起, 坚持五秒后放松身体。重复做五组。
Could not figure out why the time, it is better to hold the gala opening up, breathe deep breaths.
Are those flags really needed To find out, hold a pencil up in front of you and block out the flaps.
要寻找答案, 拿根铅笔在面前屏蔽掉这些旗。
He went back into his own lines and was convinced that the men on the Big Rock could hold out for years.
Third, she was unable to hold out and wait for international assistance and had to fight her war in isolation.
Manufacturing Account, its definition is the pure charge of cipher out material and the other cost that increase hold.
And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him and said to him, You of little faith, why did you doubt?
Also, whenever anyone approached him to bow down before him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and kiss him.
But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison.
Hunch your torso, supporting your lower belly, and hold your breath for three to five seconds. Breathe out slowly. Repeat five times.
Sweet cluck turns over a drawer, find out a vitreous billiards, hold it in both hands sweet pullIntroduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad.
香咕翻抽屉, 找出个玻璃弹子, 把它捧给香拉
If the thought you hold before your subconscious mind is the fear of disease, of colds or catarrh, of fever or indigestion, those are the images your subconscious mind will work out in your body.
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单词 hold out 释义

  • 单词释义:伸出;拿出;呈现;抵抗  [更多..]



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