单词 huddle together 例句大全,用单词huddle together造句:

They do not huddle together for warmth and companionship like bums.
她们不像无业游民那样麋麋集为伴, 互相寻温暖。
The devotees sing, sip warm drinks, play cards and huddle together.
The whole cast huddle together before each episode to wish each other luck.
huddle of people or animals to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear
The Emperors huddle together to protect themselves from the extreme cold of Antarctica.
After dark, he and his family would huddle together under blankets to stay warm on cold nights.
At the BeiBei plant, women huddle over a belt in frigid temperatures, gluing rubber sneakers together.
在贝贝公司, 妇女拥挤在寒冷的传送带周围粘橡胶旅游鞋。
You need to huddle together with someone who really knows the ropes and can give you good practical advice.
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单词 huddle together 释义

  • 单词释义:挤在一起;匆匆地做,草率地做;攒聚  [更多..]



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