单词 horny layer 例句大全,用单词horny layer造句:

Corneous layer is formed by the horny protein cell of insensate active.
Eliminates areolar tissue on cuticular layer and roughness of horny layer.
Excess horny layer is removed and the skin would be moistened and softened.
由柠檬提取的天然果酸, 能去除多馀角质, 令肌肤更柔软!
helosis a localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin.
Eliminate cellular metabolite, soften horny layer, revitalize and whiten your skin.
清除皮肤细胞代谢产物, 软化角质层, 令肌肤新生嫩白。
As it turns out, showering or bathing daily wreaks havoc on something hilariously called the horny layer.
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