单词 Huan 例句大全,用单词Huan造句:

Qinjia and Xushu were the couples poet during EmperorsShun and Huan, who both ruled the Eastern Han Dynasty successively.
Nine inborn vitalities hide around elephant to fly to soon revolve, the light is dizzy to change Huan, hide an elephant tiny rock.
九道先天精气围着藏象飞速旋转, 光晕变幻间, 藏象微微晃动。
In another case, replacing a single character in ke bu rong huan has turned brook no delay into coughing must not linger for a medicine advert.
另一个例子中, 一款咳嗽药广告把刻不容缓改成了咳不容缓。

单词 Huan 释义

  • 单词释义:使刻两;抒批忘扶抆  [更多..]



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