单词 exhaust gas 例句大全,用单词exhaust gas造句:

Improving the operating efficiency of compressor set by decreasing the exhaust temperature of cracking gas compressor turbine
Because the streamline cavity of the utility model is not easy to cause flue gas to form vortex, exhaust resistance is reduced.
它的流线腔不易使烟气形成涡流, 减小了排气阻力。
The Application of the Frequency Variable Adjusting Speed Technique in the Roasting Exhaust Gas Cleaning System with Dry Process
Practice and study on application of plenum pulse bag filter in purification of exhaust gas from electrolytic aluminum production
The utility model is suitable for being installed on the plate type flue gas exhausts of the fume exhaust systems of various buildings.
The temperature and velocity of the engine exhaust gas have significant influences on the acoustic attenuation performance of mufflers.
Experimental Investigation of Combustion Characteristics With and Without Exhaust Gas Dilution in the Constant Volume Combustion Chamber
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