单词 evacuate to 例句大全,用单词evacuate to造句:

If you are advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
如果您被劝告撤离, 那么立刻执行。
But they had not had any time to evacuate any belongings.
They agreed on how to evacuate the civilians from the island.
Authorities found suspicious items in the Hamburg airport, once to evacuate passengers.
And this requirement would allow sufficient time for the occupants to evacuate the premises.
Belgium sent its troops to Congo, stating that the aim was to protect and evacuate Europeans.
比利时派军队进入刚果, 声称其目的是保护及撤走欧洲人。
The attack was preceded by an aerial assault, which caused the villagers to evacuate the village.
During early evening a ship drew alongside to evacuate most of the 778 Japanese soldiers on board.
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单词 evacuate to 释义

  • 单词释义:把(某一批人)撤到(安全的地方)  [更多..]



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