单词 face value 例句大全,用单词face value造句:

One of the biggest mistakes you might be making, is taking fear at face value.
coins of regular issue whose face value is greater than their intrinsic value.
Except for Mr. Trichet, however, few seem to take that statement at face value.
Sometimes, scrip could be exchanged for actual money, but never at face value 5.
Bonds payable shall be accounted for based on the face value if the bonds issued.
When a bond is priced above the face value it is said to be selling at a premium.
当债券成交价格高于面额时, 即称为溢价。
Notes with a face value of one, five and ten yuan are the main currencies of RMB.
In order to meet deficit, the government has issued a lot of big face value bills.
为了弥补赤字, 该国发行了大量大面额纸币。
On a share certificate or bond, the face value is what appears face of the document.
对于股票或债券而言, 面值指证券上标明的价值。
The main characteristics of a bond include face value, maturity date and coupon rate.
债券的主要特征包括面值, 到期日和票面利率。
Important characteristics of bonds include face value, maturity date, and coupon rate.
The face value 30 Yuan a ferry spot cartoon limits participates draws moves three times.
When the bond reaches maturity, the company promises to pay back the principal at its face value.
Creating value in the face of declining performance firm strategies and organizational recovery By Morrow Jr.
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单词 face value 释义

  • 单词释义:票面价值,表面价值;票额;面值  [更多..]



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