单词 far gone 例句大全,用单词far gone造句:

The injured man was fairly far gone by the time the ambulance arrived.
he was a wreck and too far gone both neurologically and emotionally. '
You never know if you have gone as far as you canyou try to go further.
Never could the same lute ever play A tune long gone and blown far away.
do you think the ladies have gone too far with the sex positive feminism
Other people may disagree but I feel the whole thing has gone far enough.
The keyboard will change to all caps to let you know youve gone far enough.
That chair is too far gone to repair the frame is broken in several places.
We have gone too far from the subject. We had better come back to the essay.
我们扯得太远了, 还是回到这篇文章上来。
The engine is pretty far gone, but the rest of the car is in fair condition.
这辆车得发动机损坏得厉害, 但其余部件情况良好。
This principle has gone far toward making Finland an educational overachiever.
Jasper was far away, and all the peaceful, relaxed feelings were gone with him.
雅斯珀已经走远了, 也带走了平静放松的感觉。
All the effort and all the investment made so far has effectively gone to waste.
I've gone all through this winter so far without catching a cold, knock on wood.
一个冬天总算过完了, 连一次伤风感冒也没用, 但愿好运长久。
It's a question, however, as to whether the cooling the economy has gone too far.
Stars shining in the sky, gauzelike Qingyun, Gone with the Wind very far very far.
Oedipus had not gone far on his way to Thebes when he saw a cart coming towards him.
He had... forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed.
But the army of Chiang far gone in dissolution to devise any methods of counteraction.
Do you want to take on a company that is in distress, knowing that it may be too far gone to fix?
However the most recent incedent has gone far beyond common villainy and has prompted us to expel him.
This prompted a demonstration by several hundred activists, who believe the crackdown has gone too far.
The United States has gone so far as to slander and debase the supreme leadership of its dialogue partner.
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单词 far gone 释义

  • 单词释义:快要死的,快要结束的,烂醉的  [更多..]



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