单词 faux pas 例句大全,用单词faux pas造句:

What is the greatest fashion faux pas
The slightest faux pas will be derided.
Eating in public is also considered a faux pas.
What are the worse fashion faux pas in your career
You know what? Next time I make a faux pas like you.
Tim felt he had committed a faux pas and left quietly.
And thank me for forgiving you of your dating faux pas.
She looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected.
i don t apologize for you when you do one of your faux pas.
Throwing up on the dessert might be regarded as a faux pas.
We believe that people will see a faux pas as incompetence.
我们相信, 人们会认为犯错误是没有能力的表现。
These are two major fashion faux pas, and both are unsightly.
这是两个主要的时装失礼, 又都是难看。
It was not long before I realized the enormity of my faux pas.
No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival the male's Speedo.
Now, Google has a way to help protect you from such a faux pas.
现在, 谷歌发明了一种方法来防止你出现这种囧事。
Mr. Wang behaves carefully so that he will not commit a faux pas.
王先生?止小心, 以防犯?
It is a major faux pas to arrive at a party early or even on time.
参加聚会, 早到, 甚至准时抵达最令人难堪。
If they curse humorously, forgive their faux pas for being laidback.
My delegation has committed a serious faux pas, and I wish to apologize.
我国代表团犯了一个严重纰漏, 我谨表示歉意。
Howerer, it turned out to be a faux pas, as Mother made me return the dress.
然而, 母亲要我把衣服退回, 变成一件很失礼的事情。
His supervisor still gave him a promotion despite his faux pas at the meeting.
尽管他开会时犯错, 他上司仍然给他升级。
The salesman committed a major faux pas by criticizing his competitors products.
We consider it very impolite to tell people when they have committed some social faux pas.
我们认为当他人失礼时, 告诉他这些是很不礼貌得。
We have made the ultimate faux pas of putting hyphens into what should be natural language commands.
She puts her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle, sticks her tongue out sideways in embarrassment over a faux pas.
她捂住嘴不让自己笑出声来, 对自己失足而尴尬地吐吐舌头。
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