单词 divorce from 例句大全,用单词divorce from造句:

The adviser is prohibited from taking either party as a client once the divorce is finalized.
Psychological Characteristics of Children from Divorce Families and the Education Countermeasures
THE secession of South Sudan from the rest of the country was always going to be a messy divorce.
一直以来, 南苏丹脱离整个苏丹造成了十分混乱的局面。
The ending of a marriage by death is different in many ways from an ending occasioned by divorce.
The Effect of the AdjudicationThe analysis of res judicatas criterion time from a case of divorce.
Wayan laughed and kissed her daughter, all the sadness about the divorce suddenly gone from her face.
大姐笑着亲吻女儿, 离婚的愁云惨雾刹那间从她脸上消失。
Some women are trying to make sure they divorce before the credit crunch bites to save their homes from debt collectors.
一些女性也趁信贷危机烧身前离婚, 以免房产被没收。
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单词 divorce from 释义

  • 单词释义:与…离婚;与…完全不同, 脱节  [更多..]



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