单词 distinguish for 例句大全,用单词distinguish for造句:

Distinguish for its public service
How to Distinguish Color for Printing Enterprise
It is much too dark for me to distinguish anything.
It is hard for young children to distinguish right from wrong.
对于小孩来说, 分辨是非是困难的。
See if you can distinguish a just motive for this prosecution.
For the approximate values, it is difficult to distinguish them.
For this phenomenon, it is really hard to distinguish the real from the fake.
Experience Introduction of Distinguish Treatment for Difficulty and Serious Disease
It is hard for such a small boy to distinguish the difference between right and wrong.
Since the twins are very alike, it is not easy for him to distinguish one from the other.
这对孪生婴儿长得如此相似, 他很难分辨出谁是谁。
This code would try to distinguish between commissions paid for real services and padded fees.
As for new things, we should distinguish right from wrong, and consider all the pros and cons.
Therefore, green host music aesthetic ideology significance has more Wait for distinguish and affirm that.
因此, 青主音乐美学思想的意义更有待辨明与确认。
Objective To establish a thin layer distinguish project of quality control standards for HuangJing YanHou Tablet.
The myriad things rely on it for their life but do not distinguish it.It brings to completion but cannot be said to exist.
万物恃之以生而不辞, 功成而不有。
Third, it is time for us to distinguish between the responsibilities of the Party and those of the government and to stop substituting the former for the latter.
三是着手解决党政不分, 以党代政的问题。
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单词 distinguish for 释义



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