单词 doctor blade 例句大全,用单词doctor blade造句:

Movable type doctor blade, transverse reciprocating motion.
移动式刮墨刀装置, 横向往复窜动。
Pneumatic doctor blade insures high quality printing products.
Speed does not matter because we are metering with a doctor blade.
速度并不重要, 因为我们是用刮刀计量。
The setting between the doctor blade and the engraved gravure cylinder.
Each doctor blade can be adjusted for it height that ensures scraping perfectly.
Lint blade, lint doctor The sword was made of gold and bronze to avoid infection.
刀质为铜与金的合金, 据说以这种材质的刀阉割不易感染。
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单词 doctor blade 释义

  • 单词释义:(印刷、复制)刮墨刀,刮粉刀;刮浆刀;刮片  [更多..]



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