单词 divide by 例句大全,用单词divide by造句:

Divide again by the urgent delay that has disease for acute and chronic heart failure.
Somatic cells divide by mitosis producing daughter cells identical to the parent cell.
Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side.
横跨把森林分开得站立得石头界碑, 一直在你身边。
Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side.
Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side.
Add all the numbers together,divide by ten,and take away the number you first thought of.
Add all the numbers together, divide by ten, and take away the number you first thought of.
把这些数相加, 除以10, 然后减去你一开始想着得数字。
To divide by an algebraic fraction, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
He had been making north by east, away from the Dease Divide and into the Coppermine Valley.
Number calculated by adding together several figures and divide by the number of figures add.
将好几个数字加在一起, 用相加数字的数去除所算出的数。
By treatment craft is divided, can divide commonly to out model bottom, mould pressing bottom.
Well, you take the first number, and you divide by the other three, and you get eight kilometers.
把第一个数除以其他三个数 得到8公里
Under the guidance of this standard, this thesis will divide definitely piece by piece Zhuangzi fable.
在此标准指导下, 本论文将对庄子寓言进行逐篇定分。
It is impossible to divide a given common angle or arc into three equal parts by using a rule and compasses.
The high tension line inside the village uses unified string to divide each, cannot traverse a house owned by a citizen.
Also increase by adjacent endodermis cell after damage, expand and divide with a hyphen at the end of a line is slip will enclothe.
In war, practice dissimulation, and you will succeed. Whether to concentrate or to divide your troops, must be decided by circumstances.
故兵以诈立, 以利动, 以分和为变者也。
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