单词 do down 例句大全,用单词do down造句:

This may seem a large quantity of mushrooms, but they do boil down considerably.
If you do that, youll be calling down the indignation of everyone upon yourself.
如果你那样做的话, 人人都会恨你。
In your anger do not sin, do not let the sun go down, while you are still angry.
At the very least, you will avoid a stomachache if you do not gulp your food down
But it comes down, in the end, to how do you get through all the barriers we have.
但归根到底 是需要你去克服所有那些障碍。
If you do that, you'll be calling the indignation of the masses down upon yourself.
What do you think the angel represented when he flew down in the middle of the night?
And I'm thinking, how do you calm down? But I don't think he's having a heart attack.
I was able to go down and do a screen test and audition and have a lot of fun with it.
We must do our best to break down the barriers of hostility between the two countries.
Only those who do not allow themselves to fluctuate up and down with desires are fully alive.
I think that it comes down to the fact that people do feel very dependent on their automobile.
When the stores are down and the System Attendant is trying to do its routine management tasks.
So little Billy goes to school, and he sits down and the teacher says, What does your father do?
Wireless Link is transferring files. Do you want to abort the transfer and shut down the machine.
Waiting in line at airport security. Do you want a pat-down or a body scan? Hmm how about neither?
How do we go and do this, and how do we get it down so that it's a cost point that we could afford?
我们该如何去做,如何开展工作 我们是否负担得起经费?
The only thing to do is to get up, make a cup of tea and sit down with the fear like a child beside you.
唯一能做的 就是起床冲杯茶然后和恐惧一起坐下
Do you tear yourself down, and belittle your own accomplishments, in an attempt to win approval from others
Free radicals have nothing to do with Berkeley politics and everything to do with breaking down the neurons in our brains.
Do not let infiltrate bitterly and a stringently the heart too for a long time, down to has lost the experience happy ability.
Do not misinterpret the meaning of humanitarianism and be bogged down by concern over the loss of lives which may be inevitable.
We should do well in settling down and educating those young people with neither education background nor work, and encourage them to find jobs themselves.
You can do nothing but cringe among the captives and exiles or fall down among the slain. Yet for all this Yahwehs anger does not subside, his hand is poised to strike.
然而他的震怒并未因此而熄灭, 他的手仍然伸著。
Anyone can buy a man a gold watch; but it takes a generous wife to do what one lately did, and track down an antique gold strap which precisely fits the old one he inherited from his beloved father.
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