单词 draped 例句大全,用单词draped造句:

A sarong is a draped skirt that wraps around the waist several times.
Rayon taffeta frock in draped overskirt Her dress was of silk tissue.
The wooden box containing the soldier's body was draped with the flag.
Thick spears of asparagus and fennel were draped with thinly sliced ham.
A device around which a garment is draped for hanging from a hook or rod.
Samphire signaled to it with an oar draped with the kings daughters gown.
Mother draped a scarf round her son's neck before he left home for school.
One skirt of a layered gown over which outer skirts are formed and draped.
Witnesses said the box was taken off the plane draped in an Egyptian flag.
The body was carried off the plane in Cairo in a box draped in Egypts flag.
Bear and draped it over his bare chest as other men offered congratulations.
Barefoot and shivering she paced, a thin blanket draped about her shoulders.
她肩头裹着薄毯子, 赤着脚来回踱步, 瑟瑟发抖。
Draped in jewels and wearing evening gowns, they sat demurely at their tables.
A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder.
一袭面纱挽在右臂, 从头上顺左肩垂下。
The child is invested with a sacred thread that is draped over the left shoulder.
这个孩子被赋予了一根圣线, 缝在了左肩上。
Further insert the picture of draped textile on a new layer, above the background.
Look at the sunlight a glowing ribbon draped along the dark pelt of hemlock and pine.
She tossed her damp hair over the top of her head and draped the towel around her neck.
Their tongues were draped with beautiful words, but behind that they were spitting out poison.
Hey, you two! she says, gesturing toward a young couple with arms draped around each other's waist.
His shoes were poised beside his desk and his tuxedo jacket was draped over the back of his admirals chair.
他的鞋放在桌子旁, 夜礼服外套搭在大班椅的椅背上。
A Tentative Idea for Making Pretensioned Concrete Element with Draped Tendons by Mix Tensioning Technology.
American flag draped over his shoulders, Cejudo ran around the venue crying, in one of the more moving celebrations at the Games.
他身披国旗, 在场内边跑边哭, 庆祝的方式让人感动。
When one of the women in my group got up to dance, she passed me her long scarf to hold so I nonchalantly draped it around my neck.
He thought nothing of combing existing Venetian buildings of his day with ancient Roman monuments and, as an ended touch, he often draped them with wreaths of ivy.

单词 draped 释义

  • 单词释义:将(衣物、帘等)悬挂( drape的过去式和过去分词 );披;遮盖或装饰某人或某物;将某物随便围在或放在另一物上  [更多..]



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