单词 drip dry 例句大全,用单词drip dry造句:

Do not drip dry naturally after washing wring.
Simply dip it in suds rinse and allow it to drip dry.
你只要将它浸入肥皂水中, 冲洗一下, 让它自己滴干即可。
Using the same cleaning solution, wash the shelves, bins, and drip pan. Dry everything.
用相同得方法, 将架子, 抽屉和温控器洗干净, 再弄干。
After the first wash clothes too clear, do not hand wring dry, hang up and drip dry on the line.
在第一次洗衣服昭然若揭, 不手拧干, 挂起来滴干就行。
Study on relationship between dry matter accumulation and water consumption in cotton under film mulch and drip irrigation
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