单词 drive away 例句大全,用单词drive away造句:

They drive away the orphan's donkey and take the widow's ox in pledge.
People thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits.
His job was to drive a Red Cross truck carrying wounded away from battle.
This kind of insect repellent can effectively drive midges in rooms away.
The legendary Xuaji Stars can drive away evil spirits, do you believe it?
Munichs historic city centre is just a 28minute drive away from the hotel.
People thought the banging and popping could help drive away evil spirits.
In today's wording, it is a kind of symbolic practice to drive away evils.
People made noise in ancient times to drive away the bugaboo from the home.
在古代, 人们制造噪声以便把鬼怪驱逐出家门。
People thought the spluttering sound could help to drive away evil spirits.
I hasten to drive her away but, with a quick jump, she gets hold of the bird.
我忙去驱逐它, 它只一扑, 把小鸟擒住!
Jack, Wayne, Evelyn and her daughter drive away from the hostage swap site.
To the point of giving you cash to entice you to drive away with a brand new car
Still later the young man will drive away with his new bride on their honeymoon.
People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits from the home.
He led the people of Xiamen to drive away the Dutch colonizer who invaded Taiwan.
In Bethlehem's field, still had the shepherd to drive away flock of sheep's scene.
伯利恒的田野上, 仍有牧羊人驱赶著羊群的情景。
Is becoming a stop rumors and decided to drive his wife away from the spring board.
Why are thy valiant men swept away ? they stood not, because the LORD did drive them
你的壮士为何被冲去呢? ? 站立不住。因为耶和华驱逐他们。
After having be instructed to drive away of the th ave, I begin to acquire confidence.
在接到把车开出城的命令后, 我就开端有自信了。
Only coward, would meet mountain to round drive away, meet water to turn to turn head.
Must have the remote control of a lord of car to open the lock, then can drive away car.
Local businesses at first feared that metered parking would drive away existing customers.
Higher tuition fees will force students away from partying and drive them towards serious study.
Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair.
新娘坐上轿子后, 会燃放鞭炮驱赶邪灵。
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单词 drive away 释义

  • 单词释义:驱车离开;把…驱开,赶走;祛  [更多..]



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