单词 drive away 例句大全,用单词drive away造句:

Drive components of the drive shaft and the driven shaft are moved away, so that the cost is reduced.
If you love your mom and dad but they drive you batty, your resentment can eat away at your relationship.
如果你爱父母, 但他们让你抓狂, 你的忿怒会破坏你们的关系。
Such an opening to the outside world, Nothing cannot drive away our worries, The dream of a powerful country, Not within the forseeable future.
The jade chopsticks were able to drive away all poisonous elements, kill the evil things like a sword did, and lift up objects that weighed thousands of pounds.
玉筷能驱五毒, 能作剑劈邪, 能力举千斤。
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单词 drive away 释义

  • 单词释义:驱车离开;把…驱开,赶走;祛  [更多..]



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