单词 drying rate 例句大全,用单词drying rate造句:

What paper more water and drying rate will be more slowly.
又加上纸张内吸收较多的水分, 产品的干燥速度会更加缓慢。
Curves of drying rate are obtained based on experimental data.
Ink formulation ? unreasonable, I used drying rate of solvents.
油墨配方设计不合理, 使用了干燥速度过快得溶剂。
Changing other factors only influenced the water loss but constant drying rate.
The drying rate of soybean is proportional to the unit microwave power exposed.
The humidity should be doubled, ink drying rate will slow as the last two times.
潮量补充一倍, 油不朱得潮潮速率不即给迟笨不近两倍。
Cyclophosphamide the height of Edition, ink plates on the drying rate is too fast.
堵版引起, 油墨在印版上的干燥速度太快。
Use slow solvent and aim to reduce ink drying rate, increasing the rate of dot gain.
使用慢干溶剂, 降低油墨干燥速度, 提高网点增大率。
Solvents are volatile from monlchamus membrane drying rate, which is called volatile.
Effects of Controlled Atmosphere Drying on Longan Fruit Drying Rate and Product Quality
Investigation and analysis of the factors on evaporation rate under vacuum drying process
The plasty of cavity of auricular concha and mastoid obliteration can raise drying ear rate.
But it will make of the drying card printing and membership card production rate has declined.
Adjust the ink drying rate of cyclophosphamide, according to prevailing circumstances, chooses slow solvents.
drying wet moulding of the products is not good when humidity to master, resulting in integer scrap rate high.
Preliminary study on engineering behaviors and water retention characteristics of expansive soil under influence of drying rate.
The results indicate that the high voltage electric field can improve the drying rate of yundou beans significantly, at the sam.
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