单词 ductile fracture 例句大全,用单词ductile fracture造句:

percentage of ductile fracture surface
The fractograph exhibited typical ductile dimple fracture pattern.
断裂形式呈韧性断裂, 断口以韧窝为主。
Study of the fracture toughness of ductile cast iron and malleable cast iron
Whereas the alloy with low Na content exhibited ductile fracture with dimples.
而钠含量较高得合金发生韧性断裂, 断口为韧窝型。
The cleavage fracture after hot pressing is ductile and quasicleavage fracture.
The Fracture Analysis of Ductile Iron Fracture Test under Complex Stress Condition
The fracture toughness of the wear resistant bainite ductile iron has been investigated.
The fracture appearance showed that ductile fracture happened during tests at elevated temperature.
The ductile to brittle fracture transition of a medium carbon steel and the thermal activation analysis
Fracture morphology analysis show that the fracture changes from a ductile fracture to a brittle fracture.
Slight necking was found near the fracture tip and there were dimples on the whole fracture surface, indicating that the fracture was ductile.
拉伸断口有一定的颈缩现象, 整个断面呈韧窝状, 为韧性断裂。
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单词 ductile fracture 释义

  • 单词释义:形变断裂,塑性破坏,塑性断口  [更多..]



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