单词 Ellen 例句大全,用单词Ellen造句:

Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.
Once inside of the cabin, Ellen helped Fannie undress and gently tucked her in bed.
Beautiful shot Huang Fang! Yellow star and Best of! Greetings and congratulations, Ellen.
美丽的射击黄犬齿!黄色星和最好!问候和祝贺, 爱伦。
The count would have taken leave, but Ellen besought him not to spoil her improvised ball.
Ellen closed her eyes and began praying, her voice rising and falling, lulling and soothing.
爱伦闭上眼睛开始祷告, 声音时高时低, 像催眠又像抚慰。
In this hotly contested race for the open seat on the school board in Riverdale, Ellen Stewart
He hated Ellen OHara above anyone else, for she was the epitome of all that he hated in Southerners.
他最恨爱伦奥哈拉, 因为她是他所恨的那些南方人的典型。
Ellen dropped her towel that she had been washing the dishes with and walked daintily over to the door.
艾伦放下了正在刷碗的毛巾, 优雅地走到了门口。
Ellen, sweetest sixteen, gave him everything except that. Her tended flesh is reserved for the marriage bed.
Ellen was on leave, so she invited Ivan to spend time outdoors. Ivan accepted Ellens invitation with alacrity.
埃伦休假了, 因此约伊凡出去玩, 伊凡欣然答应了。
Ef you buy me a ticket ter Tara, Ah sho be glad ter git home. Ah sho be glad ter see Miss Ellen and Mist Gerald agin.

单词 Ellen 释义

  • 单词释义:埃伦(女子名)  [更多..]



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