单词 emerald green 例句大全,用单词emerald green造句:

The deep emerald of the iconic Star Ferry echoes the seaweed green waters.
And it could transform swaths of desert land into fields of emerald green.
并且可以将延绵的沙漠 转变成满目的翠绿。
Hope rawish sprout planting in fecund Ta Ti, Grown emerald green branches and leaves.
The emerald green lake is the most precious gem around North Rocky Mountains 1000 km long.
Red, orange, yellow, green, emerald, blue and purple, who plays with these colors on the air?
One by one, red and green signal lamps shine out while the emerald mountains fade into a grey blur.
That is the name given to the emerald green variety from Tanzania, coloured by vanadium and chrome.
Dow filters to deal with the green of the emerald into a positive identification can be carried out.
Mir is not then a little bit happy, emerald green west but sum Wilhelm is happy to talk very much but.
The green of the emerald is the colour of life and of the springtime, which comes round again and again.
Tissue culture for rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia amoena cv.Green Sea and Philodendron erubescens cv.Emerald King
Surrounding the small village are graceful mountains, emerald green layers of forests, and with clear streams and rivers wiggling by.
In the amount of cotton bollworms eggs to different circumstances, the attracting effects of emerald plants are significantly better than dark green.
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单词 emerald green 释义

  • 单词释义:鲜绿色;翠;翠绿  [更多..]



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