单词 envy for 例句大全,用单词envy for造句:

I am very envy of them because they can make glorious for our country.
Dont let yourself become envious, for envy is a sort of cancer of soul.
I have to say that I really envy you two could stay for such a long time.
我不得不说, 我真嫉妒你俩能有这么多时间在一起。
Answer Perhaps you envy me for being able to work at home on the computer.
也许你羡慕我, 因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。
Cathy is going out to Tibet for three weeks and we are all green with envy.
凯西要去西藏玩三周, 我们都非常嫉妒。
I am inclined to envy Mr. Rushworth for having so much happiness yet before him.
Being a bachelor for a long time, he is green with envy about his married friends.
For instance, envy and deception have helped me to make useful changes in my life.
Feelings of envy and resentment of one social or economic class for toward another.
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
I envy you for giving such a personable and astute son gifted in both cultural and military affairs.
For the first of spring she has no lust, Just let spring flowers envy her fame. Even fallen in mud and ground to dust, Her fragrance still remains the same.
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单词 envy for 释义

  • 单词释义:因。。。而妒忌,羡慕  [更多..]



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