单词 Fossa fossa 例句大全,用单词Fossa fossa造句:

The main manifestations of neonatal clavicular fracture were supraclavicular fossa swelling and bone rub.
Enlargement of posterior fossa with upward displacement of lateral sinuses, sinus confluens and tentorium.
The mass extends into the inferior orbital sinus, superior maxillary sinus, and the pterygopalatine fossa.
Surgical Anatomical Study of Insert Point of the Fossa between the Mamillary Process and Accessory Process.
Objective To supply anatomy data for repair of anterior cranial fossa galea aponeurotica vescularized flaps.
Preservation of the Olfactory Tract in Bifrontal Craniotomy for Various Lesions of the Anterior Cranial Fossa
The anterior peritoneum covers the superior surface of the bladder, forming a paravesical fossa on each side.
前侧的腹膜覆盖膀胱的前面, 两侧形成膀胱旁窝。
The anterior portion of the supramastoid crest and zygoma root correlated with the level of the middle fossa.
To evaluate curative effect modification operation on imperforate anus with rectal fistula to navicular fossa.
Continuous drainage of lumbar cistern in treating pseudomeningocele after operation in posterior cranial fossa
Observation of safety and efficacy of suprapubic transvesical prostatectomy without partition of prostatic fossa
Observation on the vertical distance between alveoli fossa of mandible anterior teeth and lower margin of mandible
Objective To investigate arthroscopic diagnosis and management of degenerative lesion of femoral intercondylar fossa.
The Depth of the Sphenoid Sinus and the Measurement of Length between the Nose, the Pharynx and the Hypophyseal Fossa
Methods The ultrastructural feature of the rhomboid fossa in human fetus were examined by scanning electron microscopy.
The arteries of human interpeduncular fossa in24 adult brains were observed and measured under the operating microscopy.
Methods Retrospective analysis was conducted about the treatment of diabetes insipidus after surgery of posterior cranial fossa.
He will make an incision through the tentorium which is a tuff membrane that holds the cerebellum in the posterior cranial fossa.
The Anatomical Basis of the Popliteal Fossa Tenderness Test and Its Clinical Application for Posterior Cruuciate Ligament Injuries.
Objective To explore the possibility of performing anterior cranial fossa surgery by an intranasal endoscope via the anterior skull base.
The relationships of the level of the bottom of the middle fossa with the supramastoid crest and the superior rim of zygoma arch were examined.
Changes of Plasma Catecholamines in Patients undergoing Posterior Cranial Fossa Surgeries Under Acupuncture Anesthesia Combined with Anesthetics
Comparison of Effects of Midazolam and Propofol on Hemodynamics in Postoperative and Tracheal Intubated Patients with Posterior Fossa Craniotomy
If animal is in severe stress, relieve bloat with large bore trochar or emergency Rumenotomy emergency incision in left paralumbar fossa later closure
若情况严重, 用大套管针钻孔放气或紧急手术处理
Results The trigeminal neurinoma could be classified into three types posterior cranial fossa type , middle cranial fossa type , and straddle type.
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