单词 Friends Outside 例句大全,用单词Friends Outside造句:

Cause I got friends on the outside.
A few of my friends are playing outside.
He went to play outside along with a few friends.
Depend on parents at home, depend on friends at the outside.
在家靠父母, 在外靠朋友。
I also wish the same drift outside and friends, must be happy New Year.
也祝福在外和我一样漂流的朋友们, 过年一定要开心。
To the outside world, they still look like the chief executives'friends.
但在外面的人看来, 他们仍像是首席执行官的朋友。
Friends told me that they were trapped in their houses as tanks fought outside.
Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable.
今天和朋友一起出外郊游, 外面的空气很好, 人感觉很舒服。
Contacts and communications between returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese and their relatives and friends outside the country shall be protected by law.
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