单词 fuck off 例句大全,用单词fuck off造句:

I mean, fuck, it does piss me off.
我是说, 妈的, 这确实让我发火了。
Ripley Why dont you just fuck off.
I get these urges to fuck off sometimes.
有时候, 我用那些冲动来闲混。
I said Fuck off to them and then runaway.
Get the fuck off, change the fucking world.
干那些操蛋的破事儿, 改变这个操蛋的世界。
Stick your face in his and tell him to fuck off.
突然出现在他面前, 然后叫他滚出去。
Fuck off, because it's none of your goddamn business
If he comes here bothering you, tell him to fuck off.
如果他来捣乱, 让他走开。
Just gimme an explanation and I will fuck off forever!
So, you're giving me a salon, and telling me to fuck off?
I do not hate him, but fuck me, he pisses me off sometimes.
我不恨他, 但我靠, 他有时候会让我发疯。
All the shits fuck off, all the heahache fuck out of my life!
去他妈的狗屁生活, 老子腻味了, 爱咋咋地吧!
fuck off, you think i have no idea of what youve done outside
Just put your fucking bag and keys on the back seat and fuck off!
So fuck off with your sofa units and Strinne green stripe patterns.
So fuck off with your sofa units and strinne green stripe patterns.
l know! But tell her to fuck off! Youre always telling them to fuck off!
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