单词 hurdles 例句大全,用单词hurdles造句:

The TOEFL test is designed to be one of the first hurdles in your academic career.
Many hurdles games, the patience to fight, we will be able to clear customs there.
游戏有很多关卡, 耐心得打, 就能通关。
Regulators also put up bureaucratic hurdles before individuals setting up websites.
In addition,races are run over hurdles and barriers from 110 meters up to 3000 meters.
Some hurdles remain, though, before you can take an electronic book with you anywhere.
But the provisos and conditions attached to the current offers will make for high hurdles.
None of us have the ability to foresee the future or predict the hurdles which lie ahead of us.
Hurdling events are dashes in which competitors must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.
This means that you are able to overcome the hurdles that dissuade modelers from using constraints.
Hurdling events are dashes in which competitions must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.
在跨栏项目中, 运动员需要跨过十个栏。
Determination on Primary and Secondary of Relevant Quality Factors of Female College Students'Hurdles
You have some significant hurdles to get over before you can achieve the financial security you desire.
在你取得你渴望的财务安全感时, 你要挨过一些重要的难关。
If its determined that gastric bypass surgery is appropriate for you, you will still have financial hurdles to negotiate.
如果最终确定胃分流术适合你, 你仍然需要最后的努力。
One of the main hurdles it imposes is the requirement that most applicants for a German passport relinquish their former nationality.

单词 hurdles 释义

  • 单词释义:障碍( hurdle的名词复数 );跳栏;(供人或马跳跃的)栏架;跨栏赛  [更多..]



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