单词 icing sugar 例句大全,用单词icing sugar造句:

to dredge cakes with icing sugar
Sift icing sugar and cocoa onto a plate.
Sieve icing sugar almond and cocoa powder.
用筛过滤糖粉, 仁粉及可可粉中的粗粒。
Take out. Sprinkle icing sugar on cookies.
Some butter, some icing sugar and some milk.
Dredge the top of the cake with icing sugar.
It is for flour or bread crumbs or icing sugar.
Sieve icing sugar, ground almond and cocoa powder.
用筛过滤糖粉, 杏仁粉及可可粉中的粗粒。
Dust the tart with icing sugar after cooling down.
等完全冷却后, 撒上糖粉即可食用。
It's a pity that icing sugar is so expensive here.
Cream the butter and icing sugar together until light and fluffy.
The roof was made of Smarties and the trim was made of icing sugar!
Cream the margarine in a small bowl, then sieve the icing sugar into it.
A add the icing sugar into egg whites, mix gently to avoid frothy and rise
把糖粉加入到蛋白中, 轻轻搅拌, 避免打起大泡
Beat cream cheese with melted chocolate and icing sugar until smooth and soft.
Mix 2 kinds grease from the topping and then sift in the icing sugar. Combine well.
将表皮中的2种油脂搅拌均匀, 筛入糖粉拌匀。
It is for flour or bread crumbs or icing sugar. Shall I sift this flour with a sieve
做面粉, 面包或糖粉时用的, 能用筛子来过滤?
The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds, decorated with icing sugar.
In a separate mixing bowl, whip the cream, icing sugar and vanilla sugar to soft peak.
将奶油, 糖粉和香草糖放到搅拌盆里打至中性发泡。
Leave cream cheese at room temperature to soften, then beat it with icing sugar until smooth and soft.
Short crust pastry filled with lemon flavoured patisserie cream, topped with light sponge and decorated with icing sugar.
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