单词 IBL 例句大全,用单词IBL造句:

Be responsible for a cabaret information a pedestal a work.
A ball tossed by a child from a balcony hurtles through the air like a bullet, a blur barely visible.
孩子从阳台上扔出一个小球, 像子弹一样隐约不清。
A parse of a sentential form is the construction of a derivation and possibly a syntax tree for it.
Is a preposition a terrible thing to end a sentence with?
Such things as a remain negligible in a certain sense.
A molten metal moves from a crucible into a vacuum chamber through a tube.
a girl of a susceptible nature
AARON It seems to me that knowing is better and more responsible than not knowing.
亚伦对我而言, 知道实情要比不知道更好, 更负责。
I also learned that many of those who had known me for a long time found it impossible to abandon the idea of Martin they had in their heads.
我发现 认识我很久的人 发现他们无法忽视我的想法
The Buddhas or Tathagatas abandon every possible fault or obscuration and then, through their great realizations, achieve the pure vision.
The inflexible approach of the time of planned economy, which was controlling, blocking and suppressing, should have been abandoned already.
He told her that Windu was responsible for the abandonment of her former Jedi mentor.
These tyrannies are all the direct result of the abandonment of Biblical Christianity.
The United States abandoned this sensible system in1976.
The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible.
In this Bible verse, Paul instructs believers to abandon falsehood.
It would be irresponsible of me not to advise my company to abandon this project.
The most frightening thing is breaking up, something more terrible than death, that is, to abandon.
最可怕得就是分手, 比死亡更可怕得东西, 就是离弃。
As a result, documents located at the sites relating to the tangible property were abandoned as well.
I will stop the arrogance of the proud, And the haughtiness of the terrible I will abase.
我要使骄傲人的狂妄止息, 使强暴人的狂傲降为卑。
Gastronintestinal digestion function abate children once again can not excessive edible.
Have you ever seen the horrible scene that butchers had butchered pigs in the abattoir.
Have you ever seen the horrible scene that butchers had butchered pigs in the abattoir?
Andrews We have some carving knives in the abattoir, a few more in the mess hall.Some fire axes scattered about the place nothing terribly formidable.
安德鲁斯我们有一些弯刀和火斧, 没什么可怕的。
The old abbot of a temple had a terrible toothache.

单词 IBL 释义

  • 单词释义:immunoblastic lymphoma 免疫母细胞性淋巴瘤;immunoblastic lymphadenopathy 免疫母细胞性淋巴结病;information bearing layer 信息承载层;Institution of British Launderers 英国洗衣工协会  [更多..]



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