I'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt.
I thought I'd never utter these words, but I agree with Gordon.
I really admire you for your willpower. I'd like to be like you.
If I'm the king, I'd like to abolish harim. You're my only lover.
I'd rat IT not, actually, I HAs to meet the customer the airport.
实际上我倒期望不那样, 我得到机场去迎接客户。
I to to the party but I'd better put in an appearance, I suppose.
我不想参加那个聚会, 可是我最好还是要露一下面。
If I tried to do a twist like that, I'm sure I'd do a belly flop.
I passed the final exam! That's amazing! I thought I'd flunked it!
I'd die myself before I'd let anyone enslave your folk ever again.
Being a smart Alec, I demanded to know exactly what I'd done wrong.
作为一个万事通, 我需要精确地知道我做错了什么。
I'd like to turn and swear you in and administer the oath, if I may.
If I was a smart person with an album to promote, I'd do it as well.
如果我有张专辑要推广, 够聪明的话我肯定? ? 这么做。
It's been a few days, I wasn't, uh, sure if I'd be seeing you again.
几天来 我都不确定我能否再见到你。
I'd like to help you, but I'm afraid I'm not in a position to do so.
I'd like a baked potato. No, I'd like some rice. No, a baked potato.
I'd like to, but I'm afraid my landlady wouldn't allow us to do that.
Aghast, I'm sure, I made faces, while telling him I'd never eat worms.
Anyway. I'd steal her stuff, she'd steal mine It's the circle of life.
当然,我们俩经常偷来顺去的 这才是自然规律。
I was halfway to the office when I realized I'd forgotten my briefcase.
And while I'm at it, I thought I'd beat the crap out of Joey Tribbiani!
同时, 我要把乔伊崔比昂尼打到爆!
I'd felt sorry for him ever since he'd stepped aboard the morning rose.
As much as I'd like to make a sale, I have admitted it's kind of spooky.
I made it a condition that I'd only work with an American choreographer.
If only I knew how accurate his predictions would be, I'd have taped him.
如果我当时知道他的预测的准确性, 我会把他说的话录下来。
I'd like to stay here looking at you for ever, but I must stop acting now.