单词 I'd 例句大全,用单词I'd造句:

I assumed the cowards would stay there until I'd left, I assumed correctly.
我猜想那懦夫会呆在试衣间里直到我走开, 我的猜想是对的。
Arous'd and angry, I'd thought to beat the alarum, and urge relentless war.
I'd give up everything I have for a little black suit and suede accessories.
If I were a sleeping pill, I'd fall into your water glass and accompany you.
I'd appreciate it if you'd make a small deposit now for me to hold the room.
When they told me I'd won a car, I absolutely freaked, ie was extremely happy.
听说我赢得一辆小汽车, 简直欣喜若狂。
I'd hold them close to try to absorb some of the blissful sleep that I craved.
我抱紧他们, 希望从他们身上吸取一点我渴望的宝贵睡眠。
Actually, your ad will appear tomorrow but I thought I'd better see you today.
She was seventeen. She was four years older than I and I'd always admired her.
她十七岁, 比我大四岁, 我很喜欢她。
I'm sorry for the sudden notice, but I'd like to meet with you this afternoon.
恕我冒昧, 今天下午我想与您会面。
I'd jump up abruptly, in the middle of a word, but I still couldn't shake them.
I'm as ambitious as the next man. I'd like to manage at the very highest level.
Because I'd already done this twice last night and both times I'd had to abort.
Well, I'd use a different tone, but I'm trying to accuse you of something. Gaby!
I'm not such a technological optimist, so I'd advocate for the density strategy.
I thought since I can't take you out for your birthday, I'd leave you a present.
I've already had elementary psychology. I'd like to take something more advanced.
我已经学过基础心理学了, 我想学再高级一点的。
I didn't understand, since I 'd never owned anything I cared all that much about.
You think I'd threaten those tax fellas? That's bullshit. I was with me accountant.
You know, I've lived with this bitterness so long, I think I'd be lonely without it.
"I thought I'd take a day off work today.""Oh no you don't honey!"
Oh, I think they're announcing my flight over the public address system. I'd better be going.
Okay, so if I'd known that everything had gotten all screwed up, of course I would've agreed.
But I'd always assumed that to make progress, I'd essentially have to replicate a whole brain.
I was betting that I'd be able to find everything else I could possible want to wear once I got here to Palm Springs.
我打赌我在棕榈泉,会找到 我需要的所有衣服。

单词 I'd 释义

  • 单词释义:I should 我将;I could 我能;I would 我将;I had 我已经  [更多..]



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