单词 illegal income 例句大全,用单词illegal income造句:

We consider gray income as illegal.
The concealment of one's income from the tax office is illegal.
People in the factory are discussing his earning illegal income.
厂里的人议论纷纷, 说他私下去抄肥。
have the illegal income, confiscate the illegal income, into the social insurance fund
有违法所得的, 没收违法所得, 并入社会保险基金
If the shop was not licensed to do would be to outlaw, the confiscation of illegal income.
The copyright administrative authorities may confiscate their illegal income or impose a fine on them.
由著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得, 罚款等行政处分。
D Take proactive measures to attack the sources of triad income, including illegal debt collection activities.
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