单词 hard stop 例句大全,用单词hard stop造句:

Stop being so hard on yourself.
Stop thinking so hard. exactly.
Oh, stop it. You cannot be that hard up.
Dribble hard eutting stop and sudden start
You have a great future! Work hard! Don't stop!
If he doesnt stop working so hard, hell burn himself out.
他继续这样拚命地工作, 就会累垮的。
Hard as the doctors tried, nothing can stop him from dying.
They did stop the fire, after a hard battle of several hours.
消防队经过好几个小时的奋力扑救, 总算扑灭了火。
The workers had to stop their work because it was raining hard.
Cyril is going to crack up If he does not stop working so hard.
如果西里尔继续这样拼命工作, 他会垮下来的。
Assemble joint by inserting tube into socket hard against the stop.
在进行连接组装时, 要将管道插入管套直到遇到阻挡为止。
That means that once you start taking the drug, it is hard to stop.
那就意味着, 一旦吸起这种毒来, 你就很难戒掉。
How hard could it be to stretch as far as I could go and stop there?
A desperate beginner swallows hard and puts on a trade without a stop.
Even checking email can become a compulsive behavior thats hard to stop.
Assemble the joint by inserting the tube into the cup, hard against stop.
He was laughing so hard, he could not stop and he was holding my assignment in his hand.
他笑得停不下来 手里还拿着我的作业
However hard we tried to pacify her, it was to no avail – she still couldn't stop crying.
Its hard to see your child crying, and your first instinct may be to help him stop as soon as possible.
很少看到你的小孩哭泣, 那你的直觉可能尽快阻止他哭。
I need to stop by my house, he said curtly, gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
The tree wants to stop but the wind is incessant It is needless for the something small and hard to want to raise and kiss
树欲停而风不止, 子欲养而亲不待
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