单词 head water 例句大全,用单词head water造句:

Influence of head pressure and pipe characteristic on the change of water hammer wave speed
Study of the High Water Head Drain Building Differential Deflecting Flow Energy Dissipation
The muddy water resistance head increased with the augment of flow velocity or silt content.
Study on the relation of the sprinkler head structure and its water distribution performance
The Calculation of the Head of Water Meter and the Choice of Nominal Diameter of Water Meter
For the third man his pale feet stick out of the water by the bank with his head in the mire.
一双发青的死者的脚从湖边伸出来, 头插在岸边的泥泞中。
I may have been about 8 at the time and I couldnt fathom letting my head hit the water first.
好像那时候我八岁, 想不明白要怎样让我的头先入水。
Influence on Hydraulic Grade Line of Open Channel Nonuiform Flow of the Loss of Local Water Head
When the head is stable, sword arm enters water, resumptive below one slowly expiratory process.
The challenge required nominated participants to have a bucket of ice water poured on their head.
Experimental Research of Discharge Coefficient of the Plat Gate in Small Opening at High Water Head
Analysis of the breaking down accident of the small float head bolts in an acid water stripping unit
Some teachers also took shots at the head master, but several had water balloons burst on them instead.
Determination of Mononuclear Aromatics from Coking Industrial Waste Water by Head Space Gas Chromatography
Qingyinxi Second cascade Hydropower Station is one with high water head and long pressure diversion tunnel.
Soak prawns in water to defrost, cut in half, remove black intestines and sand sac in head, and then pat dry.
Failure Analysis of Floating Head Bolt of Rich Water Heat Exchanger in Acrylonitrile Plant and Countermeasures
Water column shoots from ceiling to bathtub. This unique head outflow design shows users character and standard.
Employee was at a bowling alley and a bucket filled with water crashed through the ceiling and hit her on the head.
She sat with bent head, watching the trees reflected in the water and twisting the hem of her dress round her fingers.
Design study on high water head radial gate for the releasing tunnel of Tianshengqiao First cascade Hydropower Station
Each time one wife finished her turn and passed on the head, the others would splash water on her to wash away bloodstains.
This open letter is based on an interview I conducted with a contractor whos desperately trying to keep his head above water.
On the seashore of endless world children meet. The infinite sky is motionless over head and the restless water is boisterous.
孩子们相聚在无垠世界的海边, 辽阔的穹窿在头上静止。
On the Tomb Group of Chu Dynasty in the Water Head Site along the Middle Line of the Divert Water from the South to the North Project
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