单词 haul in 例句大全,用单词haul in造句:

Heavy Haul Transport in South Africa
Such an intention backfired upon Earth in the long haul.
这样的意想在很长一段时间内, 事与愿违。
We should pay close attention and haul in our horns when the time comes.
We will be,as I said before, in this country, Afghanistan, for the long haul.
We will be, as I said before, in this country, Afghanistan, for the long haul.
正如我以前所说得, 我们将长期驻守啊富汉这个国家。
Which almost certainly means the U.S. will be in Afghanistan for the long haul.
这几乎意味着, 美国在阿富汗将长期深陷战争泥潭。
We have to be there for the long haul to support the Armed Forces and veterans community in Scotland.
More than 2,000 boats from the U.S., Russia, Japan, Norway, China, Poland and the Koreas haul in an annual catch worth about $1 billion.
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单词 haul in 释义

  • 单词释义:往回拽[拉](某物)  [更多..]



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