单词 have no time for 例句大全,用单词have no time for造句:

Have no time for breakfast
Bah! I have no time for this!
The busy bee have no time for sorrow.
I almost have no time for the matter in hand.
I'm so busy that I have no time for a cigarette.
Elizabeth have no time for small chat with other dame.
I just don't have time for that job, I had no other choice.
可是有时候我真觉得当老师好大, 有好多责任呢!
The Israelis have no time for sentimentality about Bethlehem either.
They all have need for me, and I have no time to brood over the afterlife.
We already have no feelings for each other we shouldn't waste our time anymore.
No, apparently, have been a lot of problems in that department for some time now.
不, 事实上有好一段时间, 他们的部门一直有很多问题。
Companies can no longer afford to have executives out on trips for weeks at a time.
My skin is clear and I have no blackheads on my nose for the first time in forever.
我的皮肤变的很清洁, 同时有史以来第一次没有了黑头。
We prefer to withhold quotation for a time. No other buyers have bid higher than this price.
I'll be on the bench for a case of murder tomorrow morning, I'm afraid I have no time to meet you for lunch.
Where no rectification has been made at the expiry of the time limit, the biomaterial shall be deemed to have not been submitted for deposit.
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单词 have no time for 释义

  • 单词释义:没时间做,<口>轻视,对…不耐烦  [更多..]



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