单词 health care 例句大全,用单词health care造句:

Hopes for by paterson a bipartisan compromise on health care appeared appear to be fadedfading.
Hundreds of thousands of people have no access to water, sanitation, health care, food supplies.
数以十万计的人们没有任何的水, 卫生医疗以及? ? 供应。
I am committed to integrated primary health care as a strategy for strengthening health systems.
By 2010, reproductive health care service will be accessible to all the people of childbearing age.
Access to health care, scientific and technical development and investment was similarly unbalanced.
Flavoniods are group of activated substances which have special health care and therapeutic function.
The Subspecialty Groups of Child Health Care, The Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association.
Health Care and Preservation from Aspects of Primordial Qi, Qi Derived from Food Essence and Fresh Air
从元气, 谷气, 清气析保健养生
The goal of the Affordable Care Act is to make health care coverage less expensive and more accessible.
Study on Health Care Functions of Extract from Fleshy Fruit and Fleshy Leaf of Camelmellia oleifera Abel
油茶肉质果, 肉质叶提取液的保健功效
Health care services in Nepal are based on integrated primary health care and referral curative systems.
Establish health care standards related to care of persons with disabilities with enforcement mechanisms.
Early Health Care Achievements of Miao Nationality as Viewed from Their Bequeathed Habit of Utilizing Fire
The button can be filled with different aromatic substances to be made into a children's health care badge.
Additional resources have also been provided to paediatric health care providers by the Ministry of Health.
Influences of Systematic Health Care and Surveillance on Prevalence Rates of Anemia and Rachitis among Infants
Access to high-quality health care is a right of all people and should be provided equitably as a public service.
And the clinical health care property of such fabric are investigated, the mechanism of health care is discussed.
Formulating a law on mental health, and making studies for the enactment of a law on basic medical and health care.
Method Fetch and daub it on the hand in right amount, cooperate with the massage of law of health care of hand to absorbing.
Settling Medical Service and Prevention Apart, Standardizing Operation, Opening Medical Service and Favoring Health Care and Prevention
American Health Care Appraisal medical equipment appraisal and business valuation, specializing in hospitals and healthcare organizations.
Start by having a frank conversation about treatment options, and appoint someone as a health-care proxy to make sure those plans are carried out.
Home test manufacturers, while playing to the baby boomers ' fears of aging in a shaky health care system, nevertheless encourage consumers to work closely with their doctors.
His teaching and ideas have spread considerably beyond spiritual life, influencing theater, the visual arts, mental health care, business management, gerontology, and hospice work.
的菩萨精神, 在当时, 在今日, 都是颇受争议和误解的。
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