Ex. This patient a serious heart attack caused a blocked artery.
The symptoms of angina can be similar symptoms of a heart attack.
A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack.
His lips turned blue when he was suffering from the heart attack.
He had been stricken with a heart attack earlier in the afternoon.
午后不久, 他的心脏病发作了。
Unstable angina, or have had a heart attack within the last six months
Could the nurse find a sign of life after he suffered the heart attack?
Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack.
What is the response to acute myocardial infarction, a heart attack, today?
According to the result of the dissection, the man died from heart attack.
After his heart attack, uncle was advised to refrain from sex for several weeks.
For most of us, the thought of having to climb Everest would induce a heart attack.
His father had a heart attack and now has to monitor his cholesterol very carefully.
It often takes something like a heart attack to bring home to people to stop smoking.
The doctor thinks a probe will further injure the patient who has just got a heart attack.
The researchers asked them how much alcohol they drank in the year before the heart attack.
A heart attack occurs when a clot blocks an artery that supplies oxygenrich blood to the heart.
Some heart-attack victims describe a sudden, overwhelming sense of doom or feel pain under their scapula.
Medical records indicated that the heart attack was triggered by heavy alcohol consumption, the report said.
报导称, 医学报告显示心脏病发作是由于饮酒过量。
You probably already know that a viselike pressure in the chest is the most common physical sign of a heart attack.
Indeed, many cardiologists consider difficulty breathing to be as good an indicator of a possible heart attack as chest pain.
Heart-attack victims who don't experience chest pain typically put off going to the hospital by an average of two hours, the JAMA study found.
Most cases of ventricular fibrillation are linked to some form of heart disease. Ventricular fibrillation is frequently triggered by a heart attack.
These delays help explain why a heart-attack patient who doesn't experience chest pains is twice as likely to die at the hospital as someone who does.
According to a study in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), recognizing the less common signs of a heart attack could save your life or that of someone you love.
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