单词 filing time 例句大全,用单词filing time造句:

call filing time
extension of time for filing.
Was there any reason for filing at this particular time
Tax Stealing on Purpose or Act of Not Filing Tax Revenues in Time?
偷税, 还是不申报纳税?
The first phase is the time needed for the filing of all required submissions by the parties.
At the time of the filing of the indictment, the prosecutor requested the Court to issue a summons to each defendant.
在起诉存档的同时, 起诉人要求法庭传唤这两个被告。
The Court has now fixed the time limit for the filing of written pleadings on the merits by the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The time limit for filing suit or applying for arbitration in a dispute over any other contract shall be stipulated separately by law.
Failure to make the claim at the time of filing the application or to submit the certified document within the time limit shall lead to forfeiture of the priority.
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