单词 fingernails 例句大全,用单词fingernails造句:

We have lice in our clothes in Darfur, and therefore there will always be blood on our fingernails.
我们在达尔富尔衣服上有虱子, 因此, 我们手指头上总会有血。
Employees must wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and clean fingernails before work station.
Just one bite makes you bleed from your hair follicles, eyes, ears, nose and fingernails, before dying a gruesome death.
It has four fingers and a thumb made from various metals and plastics, and even has polycarbonate fingernails to help it prise things apart.
它甚至还有聚碳酸脂的指甲, 能帮助它把东西撬开。
An American farmer today, for instance, may still get some dirt under his fingernails, but much of his labor is performed under the umbrella of the electronic network.
As Amanda Bush, 11, pitches her whole body forward to block a grapefruit-sized red ball in a team handball game, her cheeks flush as pink as the rose polish on her small, bitten fingernails.

单词 fingernails 释义

  • 单词释义:指甲( fingernail的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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