单词 file right 例句大全,用单词file right造句:

right bone file.
The parents have the right to file a claim for the damages.
对这些损害, 父母有权要求赔偿。
If it's all right with you, Byers can file these briefs Iater.
如果没有问题, 柏尔斯待会就会整理好文档了。
Make sure that the output file is put into the right folder you expect.
Register your assumed name or file your incorporation papers right away.
Through the right mouse button or drag and drop select a file, easy and convenient.
We also have the right to keep on file your information after cancellation of any service.
我们也有权保持你的档案资料后, 取消任何服务。
The next three bits represent your right to read, write, and execute the file, respectively.
接下来的三位分别表示您对该文件的读, 写和执行权限。
Double right angle brackets are used to append the output of a command to a file, if the file exists.
On settling the matter privately she waived her right to file a suit against his breach of the contract.
通过私下解决, 她放弃了对他提起违约之诉的权利。
Consumers have the right to report and file charges over behavior infringing their legitimate rights and interests.
The wedding carriages were in the file proceeding towards the Bastille, and skirting the right side of the Boulevard.
The third party with an independent claim has the right to file a lawsuit against the subject disputed by the plaintiff and the defendant.
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