单词 fill up 例句大全,用单词fill up造句:

So whenever I fill up my gas, I think of that liter, and how much carbon.
There's not enough gossip rags in the world to fill up that kind of time.
The river is beginning to fill up we must cart off the fertilizer at once.
河水又上涨了, 咱们得把化肥马上运走。
We fill up with power and energy, and success is suddenly within our reach!
Applicant shall fill up the application form and approve by department head.
The customer will easily to contact you if your fill up your company detail.
Venus will glide in Cancer too, giving you an extra fill up of social fun.
Toward evening peddlers selling various fancy goods would fill up the street.
The farmer then got almost all of his neighbors to help him fill up the well.
The practice on your head made great efforts, still fill up gauze of a water.
你们头上练下功夫了, 还垫一条水纱。
Conditional word, a Bao Jie can be added to fill up between mattess and sheet.
Administrating this fluid intravenously will fill up the deficiency in potassium.
Fresh and frozen foods, canned goods, boxes, bags and bottles soon fill up my cart.
新鲜和冷冻食品, 罐头食品, 盒, 袋及玻璃瓶尽快填补了我的车。
However, has his appearance fortunately, helped me for to fill up that chilly heart!
不过, 还好有他的出现, 帮我把那冷飕飕的心给填满了!
Fill up the final control report seriously and fill in the additional problem report.
认真填写终检报告单, 并清晰地注明所发现得问题。
We had to fill up each mu of terraced fields with thousands of basketfuls of good soil.
Both the parents and the children should try to fill up the generation gap between them.
Once you know the location of their colony, go to the gas station and fill up a can of gas.
一旦你找到它们老巢的地点, 去加油站, 装满一罐汽油。
You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy a low and disgraceful marriage?
The kidney dominates bone, manufactures marrow to fill up the brain and manifests in the hair.
肾主骨生髓充脑, 其华在发。
Consumers will be able to fill up gasoline at Formosa Plastic's gas station starting in August.
Application of avoid peak nad fill up Valley for aluminium electrolytic production in our works
My mother would fill up the tub with warm water and dump in with some sweet smelling bubble bath.
我妈妈总是把浴缸充满热水, 倒进有一股甜味的泡沫沐浴液。
I could fill up this whole discourse with the variety of such adventures, which daily invention directed to.
You can feel the beat when he plays, explosions of mass and muscularity that fill up the court like blasts of boom-box rap.
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单词 fill up 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)充满;补;垫;填充  [更多..]



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