单词 film festival 例句大全,用单词film festival造句:

The Sarajevo Film Festival is the most prestigious festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Winner of The Best Art Contribution Award on the 15th Tokyo International Film Festival
Also, the Nagasaki International Film Festival is to focus on the issue of atomic bombs.
另外, 长崎国际电影节将突出原子弹问题。
In Los Angeles the US Transmission film festival organizes in 2005, every year a session.
Wong Kar Wai almost missed his own movie screening at the Cannes Film Festival this year.
The top prize of the international competition from the 19th Isfahan Children Film Festival
Official selection at the Berlin International Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival.
Look, this is a picture of her walking down the red carpet at the Edinburgh Film Festival.
Other movies at the Environmental Film Festival invite viewers to visit different countries.
The Prison Break star declined an invitation to the St Petersburg International Film Festival.
In addition, at Yugoslavia International Film Festival, Joan CHEN was given Best Actress Award.
The University Student Film Festival is scheduled to open at Beijing s Poly Theater on April 16 th.
The Beijing Queer Film Festival Organization Committee thanks you for your contribution and support!
Here are some photos from the red carpet and the premiere of the opening night at the Cannes Film Festival.
This years Cannes Film Festival, which ended Sunday, brought plenty of glitz, glamor and Hollywood moments.
The Gold Lion Award is the highest prize awarded to competing films at the Venice International Film Festival.
The Asian Film Awards were launched in2007 and organized by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society.
Cannes, famous for its annual film festival, is an exciting city that should not be missed if you're in the area.
The film has been selected for the International Film Festival for screening in various parts of India and abroad.
这部电影入选参加国际电影节, 在印度各地和海外放映。
She accepted the invitation to preside the prizegiving ceremony for the Venice International Film Festival of the year.
Wang Jiawei, a film maker, is the chairman of the committee of judges of this year's Cannes International Film Festival.
Jeon Do Yeon has won the Best Actress Award 8 times including at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. Her acting is incredible!
The Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature at the 23rd San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival in the United States
Even Hollywood has taken notice. At the Sundance film festival in January, Girlfight, about a woman who finds fulfillment through boxing, won a prize for drama.
In May, he threw himself at the feet of American director Martin Scorsese in thanks for the Grand Jury Prize awarded Life is Beautiful at the Cannes film festival.
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