单词 fling on 例句大全,用单词fling on造句:

I fling my waste on the compost pile.
He was told not to fling his clothes on the chair.
Dont fling your clothes on the floor hang them up.
She fling the papers on the desk and leave angrily.
Don't fling your clothes about on the chair, hung them up.
别把衣服扔在椅子上, 把它们挂起来。
He had no wish to fling his daughter away on such a person.
I fling caution to the winds the ran on the street, in the crowd looking at the figure.
After cleaning, fling off excess water and put it on the tray in the box to dry naturally.
清洗后, 甩去多余的水分, 并放在盒内的托盘让它风干。
Our part is to appear on the stage of the air to sound our tambourines and fling flashes of laughter.
Fireflies flit in the bush near the driedup pond, and bamboo branches fling their shadows on the grassgrown path.
萤虫在涸池边的草里闪烁, 竹影在荒芜的小径上摇曳。
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单词 fling on 释义

  • 单词释义:把(某物)扔在…上;使倒在…上;听任某人处置;请求某人宽恕  [更多..]



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