单词 flip out 例句大全,用单词flip out造句:

you can flip out like the rest of us.
She'll flip her lid when she finds out.
A flip of the switch sent water gushing out.
If you're gonna flip out over each one of these.
Everybody has a deadline, and people flip out all the time.
Lynette I'm not being flip. I'm just pointing out a reality.
勒奈特 不是我无礼,我只是说事实。
The young girl flip out when she see Michael Jackson in person.
这个小女孩亲眼见到麦克尔杰克逊本人时, 激动得不能自已。
Hannah knew her mom would flip out if she didn't get home on time.
Yeah, when you flip out in front of the pep squad, word travels fast.
是啊,你当着那群兴奋的孩子面前发脾气 消息传得很快。
The flip side of your positive qualities sometimes get out of control.
Then you'll see it flip and fly out that 50, 000 kilometers away from the telescope.
然后你会看到它翻转并且飞出 到离开望远镜5万千米以外
But what I found was that it was actually very tough. I started to kind of flip out to some degree.
Good coffee table books are decorative, informative, attractive and they give your guests something to flip through while you're out of the room.
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单词 flip out 释义

  • 单词释义:精神失常,发疯  [更多..]



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